29. november 2012

On the look-out for a prom dress

Because it is my last year at this school, we are going to have a prom, with long dresses, tuxes and not to forget, les lanciers. 
Because of this, i've been looking for a pretty dress and right now i have two to choose from. I love them both! I think they are sooo pretty, i just can't decide! What do you guys think?

Don't think too much about the color, it can be changed into any other color i could want. I just can't choose from these two. I don't know if there will be more prom dresses to come, but these are the ones i'm thinking right now.

And just so you guys can follow, i'm going to tell you what i'm up to the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow, there is Fredagscafé on the school, yay! Saturday i'm going to a birthday brunch and a birthday party. Sunday is going to be a day to relax and really get into the Christmas mood. I'm going to make candle decorations for my dads work and earn a little bit of money that way. There will also be Christmas music, Glögg and æbleskiver :D Wednesday at 3 pm i'm going to start on my SRP assignment, but then again.. Thursday i have a plan to go to the movies with Iben to see the last twilight movie, just because we have to. We're also going to eat nachos and have coffee from Baresso - can't wait! Friday is the day for SRP.. But i also have to cook food for the Christmas party i'm going to with my cousins that Saturday. And then it is just SRP, SRP, SRP... Oh the joy!

Just a quick thing! I received a package today. It was my beautiful red shoes that i have been wanting for a really long time! They are gorgeous! 

26. november 2012

Privacy, Assignments and A Hangover.

Some time ago, when i started my blog, my plan was to have a social outlet. A place where i could speak my mind and don't care what anybody else thought. But now it has turned into a place for me to share what i'm doing, how i'm feeling and to some point, what i'm thinking.
In the beginning, this blog was supposed to be a place where i could write about stuff i didn't feel totally comfortable talking about. Stuff i didn't want to talk to anybody about, but stuff i needed to get off my chest so it didn't fill up my mind all day, everyday. I haven't written about a fight i had with a good friend, i haven't written a lot about my family and i haven't written a lot about my love life - if i even have one! Just because i feel like it's a bit too private and a bit too close to write it a place where basically the whole world can see. These are all things that i talk to my close friends about because sometimes i feel like they are the only ones i can turn to when i'm in the need to talk. And as some or all of you might know, it can be hard to talk about different things with your parents, because you don't want them to know everything in your life, but for me, it can also sometimes be hard to talk to my closest friends about some things. Maybe because i find it embarrassing, maybe because i have so many feelings connected to it that it can be hard just to get close to the subject or maybe because i don't want them to know.. It's not because they absolutely can't know because i haven't got anything against them knowing stuff, it's more because i can't get myself to talk about it a place where people, i don't want to know or don't know, is. If i have to say it, it has to be in private to only a couple of my closest friends..

I feel lucky to have as many friends as i have. And the fact that i have not only one person, but five persons just from my class, i feel like i can talk to about anything really. They don't judge me and they don't think bad of me whenever i express my feelings. I know that these persons wont go out and tell everybody that i don't like a certain person either because they have the same opinion as me or because they know i wouldn't go out and tell on them.
I'm not gonna put any names down because i don't wanna hurt anybody that isn't mentioned. But all in all i probably have about eight or nine close or really close friends and i just want to let them know that i love them and that i'm glad we have the relationship that we have. 

Now to the assignments part. In about a week, i'm starting to write this thing called SRP which stands for Studie Retnings Projekt. If you don't know, it's a HUGE assignment that you have to write to graduate. It is between 15 and 20 written pages and to tell the truth, i am both nervous and stressed out about it. Not only that, i have 4 biology assignments and two math assignments to hand in before i start on the SRP and on the side of that is the normal homework that also has to be done. Stress, stress and more stress...!

When i started this blog post i was at school feeling sick, like i had the entire day before.. Is it possible to have second day hangovers? Because i had a baaaad hangover this Sunday and i felt the same way just not so bad again. I have had a headache and nausea and it only got worse after finding paper/plastic in everything i ate or drank.. Disgusting.

12. november 2012

Almost out of school

I'm a senior at my school. That means i only have about 6 months left all in all.

Being a senior means, of course, being the oldest and most awesome! But it also means paying up. Last year i "only" had to pay for the school trip to Sofia. This year i have to pay for the hat you wear when you graduate, the truck we are going to drive in after graduation, the dress for my graduation, my prom dress, shoes, hair, make up, nails, limo ride, dinner at (probably) Hard Rock Cafe and now also (maybe) another school trip! I am poor before i graduate!
Luckily my parents have agreed to pay for the hat and maybe the truck ride too, but the rest of it is stuff i have to pay.

Last year it was about 3500 + allowance, but my parents paid most of it.
This year it will be much more! 500 for the hat, 750 for the truck, 3-400 for the dress, 500-1500 for the prom dress, 2-400 for the shoes, 350 for hair and make up, 4-500 for the nails, 5-700 for the limo ride, i do not know how much the dinner might be but the school trip will end up at about 1500. That is almost 4000 that i alone have to pay.. Good thing i get student grant.. Maybe i should get a job..?

The thing is, these last couple of years had been a real joy and i might have made some friendships that will last for a very long time, also after we are done in school. There are boys and girls in my class that i hope will stay my friends even after we have started our educations on universities and stuff like that. I am looking forward to some crazy parties and nights out. 

It's kinda sad to know it's all going to end this summer. All the parties at the school, all the fun times i've had at and after school and even though it wasn't the school that made those moments, but the people i was with, tall the memories are connected to the school and this summer, i will probably never come back to the school again..

I don't know what the point of this blog post is, but i just came to think about it and felt like writing about it.

One last thing - I am not a vary patient person. That is something i have come to know about myself. A have ordered something from England last week and i usually takes about 3-4 work days before it comes here, but it's been a week and i haven't seen anything. I really wanted it last Thursday, but the one package will probably first come tomorrow and the other one will probably first be here Thursday.. I want it now! :(

7. november 2012


This week has been really easy. Kinda like a mini vacation because i was only in school for two days :D
It's really just something you need once in a while to reload your batteries, sleep in and relax all day long. 
Today i haven't really been doing anything. Tomorrow i am going to Stenløse to buy the food we need on Friday where i am throwing a Sex and the City night for my girls. We are going to watch the movies, clean out in my closet, eat ourselves fat in food, candy and chips :D

Yesterday i found out where i'm going this summer and i can't wait!
We won two weeks in an apartment in the middle of Barcelona! We are going to live right on the Rambla and it's gonna be so awesome!!
I'm gonna pack as little as possible because shopping is probably something i am going to do a whole lot of! 
It's gonna be AWESOME! And it is right after i get home from Langeland that i'm going to Spain to tan my skin on the lovely beach!

That was a whole lot of exclamation points..

My class was supposed to go on another school trip to either Berlin, Riga or Amsterdam but sadly that is probably not going to happen because along the planning, there was a misunderstanding about where the money came from and how much we were going to pay and now we aren't going :(
We had an anonymous vote in class if we wanted to go, even though we had to pay max 1500 kr. If anyone said no, we weren't going, so that's it..
Now there is some of my classmates who absolutely want to go and they are trying to plan a trip without teachers and stuff and i think it could be great, i just don't get why trying to do something with the entire class when some of our classmates can't go because they can't afford it and i see the problem when they say that they get cut off just because they can't afford to go. I want to go, but i don't want to cut off some of my friends because they can't come.. It also depends on who is coming and so on..

The last thing i want to talk about, is the vacation i'm trying to plan with a bunch of my friends. We are trying to go to my summerhouse for free in the nearest vacation but with about 10 people, it's not easy to work out. There are still a couple of things we need to find out, like when we are going and who is coming and so on but it could be really, really fun and cozy to go over there for a week to relax with some friends and just have fun :)
Problem is that we wanted to go in week 7, but my parents had made a plan to go that week to clean the entire house and that is not anything i'm reliving for the 3. or 4. time. All the adults that come gets totally stressed and they are noisy and we have to go look after all the things that could be missing in the house. I'm not interested in that! Now we are talking about going in the Easter holiday and that might be a possibility if i can get my parents to talk to the firm that rents the house, so we can get it for free and not for 7.035 kr a week. I am really putting a lot of effort into this trip, because it is my parents that owns a part of the house and it could just be really fun and cozy and i really want to go!