29. november 2012

On the look-out for a prom dress

Because it is my last year at this school, we are going to have a prom, with long dresses, tuxes and not to forget, les lanciers. 
Because of this, i've been looking for a pretty dress and right now i have two to choose from. I love them both! I think they are sooo pretty, i just can't decide! What do you guys think?

Don't think too much about the color, it can be changed into any other color i could want. I just can't choose from these two. I don't know if there will be more prom dresses to come, but these are the ones i'm thinking right now.

And just so you guys can follow, i'm going to tell you what i'm up to the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow, there is Fredagscafé on the school, yay! Saturday i'm going to a birthday brunch and a birthday party. Sunday is going to be a day to relax and really get into the Christmas mood. I'm going to make candle decorations for my dads work and earn a little bit of money that way. There will also be Christmas music, Glögg and æbleskiver :D Wednesday at 3 pm i'm going to start on my SRP assignment, but then again.. Thursday i have a plan to go to the movies with Iben to see the last twilight movie, just because we have to. We're also going to eat nachos and have coffee from Baresso - can't wait! Friday is the day for SRP.. But i also have to cook food for the Christmas party i'm going to with my cousins that Saturday. And then it is just SRP, SRP, SRP... Oh the joy!

Just a quick thing! I received a package today. It was my beautiful red shoes that i have been wanting for a really long time! They are gorgeous! 

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