14. januar 2013

Interesting facts!

I stumbled over a page called psychofactz.tumblr.com and got pretty amazed by some of their facts. 

Look at this!  

YES!! More chocolate for me!

My specialty is to sleep!

Wow! I did not see that coming!

That is kinda me? :)

So i should just eat an apple instead of drinking soda and coffee drinks?

No more red wine for me! But they obviously haven't tried drinking schnapps! 

Hmm.. Maybe that's why I have trouble sleeping?

My second language might be english, but my third is definitively sarcasm! 

Or maybe this is why I have trouble sleeping?

I think we all know that feeling!

Even if it sounds horrible? Because then i guess i'm in pretty good shape!

OH MY GOD! Why is it really so hard!? But really, who hasn't been discussing with themselves over what to wear?

Suddenly i'm starting to know why i always get so drunk!

Another good reason to eat more chocolate!

Oh really...?

I totally do and that was one of the reasons for making this blog. It's not healthy to bottle it up!

Music and sleep = <3

Soooo true!!

Well, normally when i sleep during the daytime it is by accident, but hey, if it's healthy!

Or maybe THIS is the reason why i have trouble falling asleep..? Or maybe a mixture?

And also my blogs birthday!!

Chocolate, chocolate, CHOCOLATE!! <3 Yes, i'm kinda a chocoholic! 

This tuesday is my blog's 1st birthday! Holy cow! Time has flewn by, and i really enjoy making these posts. Some really weird facts is that i apparently have readers all over the world and i have no idea how they found it, but i appreciate it! 

11. januar 2013

Education or shoes..?

Yesterday was filled with ups and downs. We had to go to this thing in the Bella Center that had something to do with education and careers.. I don't really know and didn't really care much about it.
The day started out with me thinking that i missed the bus because the new extra bus is a normal bus instead of the regular blue school bus, so when i saw a yellow bus driving by the end of my street, i turned on my heel and went back home to get driven.
When we got to the school and had to go with buses to the Bella Center, the buses were late and the school hadn't ordered enough because they were counting on the students to either be absent or that they were driving in there. The Bella Center was filled up with students and i didn't care much for any of the lectures so after collecting a couple of brochures from some of the stands, Mette and I left.. For me, who doesn't know what i want to do in my life, there was way too many opportunities and a lot of things could be interesting, but it would leave me more confused than i already am. For Mette, who already knows what she is going to do after school, there was really no reason to be there, because she already knew where and what she is going to study. 
Instead of running around in the Bella Center, we went to Strøget. It wasn't because we wanted to shop or buy a whole lot of things, but it was just nice to walk around and look at stuff with a great friend!
We started out at Baresso where we got a little bite to eat. We sat there for maybe an hour to an hour and a half and we just talked about everything and nothing. Sometimes it's just nice to be able to talk about whats on your mind without worrying about who might be listening.
After that we looked a shoes. Shoes, shoes and more shoes and wow! Some of the shoes was so amazing! But sadly i didn't buy any of them. My thought was then "I think i have too many shoes" but now that i think of it, you can never really get too many shoes, can you?
Mette ended up buying a bit of clothes and a nail polish while i only got some hair dye, so you can't really call it a shopping spree but it was nice! 
On my way home, we were either too early for one bus or too late for the other so i ended up waiting in the snow for half an hour before i got picked up by my mom.
When i got home there was a surprise waiting for me. Since i kinda ruined both my small school laptop and my larger home laptop i've been using my mothers small, slow laptop for everything, but when i got home, a brand new laptop had come for me. I already love it! I've only been playing around with it for a few hours, but it is great! It might take me some time to get used to it, because it has windows 8 and it is kinda weird..

But all in all it was a pretty good day!

Right now we're a bunch of people waiting to unwind for the day and have a couple of beers at Fredagscafé!

3. januar 2013

A New Year, A New Start..?

Yet another year where I was going into the new year with a great party.
The thing is just that it was kinda hard on me, the party. A lot of things happened. Things i can't tell anyone, things i don't want to tell at this exact moment and things i really can't remember.. 

So it is kinda hard to tell you guys what happened that night. I can say that the night was emotional at sometimes and i've gotten to know who my real friends are and who i never should have got involved with..

Even though some of the things hurt me, i was glad that they happened. I found out which friends i want in my life and which ones i don't want. Now i just need to find a way to tell them that i can't be friends with them the same way as we were before because of how they acted.. Other friends need a bit adjusting in the friendship because it has gone a bit too far. We seem flirty when we're together and we really shouldn't be flirty in any way. I don't want to lose our friendship, but this can't go on.. 

I always hear everyone say "A new year, a new fresh start" For me, this is not entirely true. Yes it is a new year, but the new start is probably only going to be with my working out. I want to do it more, but it is not a resolution. I don't believe in them. They have never worked for me and probably never will. If you feel the same way, it is probably because you, like everyone else, tells what your resolutions is/are. When you do this and get a reaction like "Oh that sounds like a good idea" or something encouraging, that is enough for your mind. The response and feedback you get from other people is enough to lose that motivation you had and therefore, i have no resolutions.
For a lot of my friends, this year will contain a new start on a university or some other education place to go on with their lives and become whatever they want to. This is not going to happen for me, unless i find out what i want to do with my life during the next couple of months.
I don't know what i want to do with my life.. I'm only 18. And the world is filled with so many options that i just don't know anymore. Well.. I've never known, but now i'm even more confused about it.

I really wanted to write a longer post than this, but i couldn't really manage more than this. I think the flu is coming over me :(