Recently I've started training. It is something called crossfit and it is three times a week. Before i started i knew what crossfit was, because i'd tried it before a couple of times. I knew it was going to be hard work, but it was so much worse than i remembered it. I tried it with my P.E. class in school where we did one and a half full hours, i think. Yes it was tough and i was beaten up afterwards, but i kinda liked being pushed to the edge. The second and third time i tried it, my mom had dragged me with her around Christmas. There was a lot more running in this kind of crossfit but it was what i needed, because I've always hated that i cant run very far before my legs start giving up on me.
So this time around i started at the same team i tried out this Christmas - almost a year ago and about 6 months after my last workout. In the time i wasn't working out, they got another trainer to get some variation in the way we workout. One of the trainers likes running a lot (NOT my cup of tea!) and the other likes to do a lot of exercises (Better, but still really tough!). Oddly enough i like the one who likes to run. She lets me off a bit, so i don't have to do as many reps of the exercise as the ones who have been training for longer time. The reason for this is to prevent injuries - you can't really just throw yourself out there and just go at it if your muscles aren't used to it!
I've been going for a week now and my body is aching all over! You really don't know what you use your muscles for before they are hurting with every little movement. I'm gonna commit to this kind of workout and there is nothing called "I don't want to go." I'm going unless it is cancelled or if i'm sick. I need to do this. Not because i want to drop a lot of weight, but i want to get more trimmed. My drive and kinda the reason why i'm doing this, is because i was surprised about the fact that I've put on 3 kilograms since i stopped school. Now, this might not sound healthy or a reason to want to loose weight, but I've always been one of those people who could not put on weight, no matter how hard i tried. I've always been underweight with a BMI on 18 or 19, but now my BMI is 20,66 which means that i have a normal weight. It's not like i want to be underweight, i just felt better and feel i looked better when i was a little lighter. I can definitely see the the kilos on my body, but it is probably because i know that it is there and that it annoys me, so it is the only thing i focus on when i look at myself in the mirror.
But i'm going to keep going until my body looks the way i want it to, or until i don't have the time because of studies or a job.
Another thing i am gonna get committed to, is writing applications. I am on a job hunt right now, the only thing holding me back is the fact that i don't want to write applications. And that is a pretty big problem! You can't really get a job without applying for them. So that is definitely something i need to do.
A last thing i'm gonna commit to, is my blog. I want to post twice a month at least. It shouldn't be that hard but sometimes i just don't feel like sitting down and writing a whole lot. But i'm gonna do it! There is probably something to talk about and if not, i'll have to find something.