5. februar 2013

I know, i know.. But!

Iv'e been kinda absent from the blog but i don't feel like blogging about anything, just because i have to put out a post. I want some content in my blog, not just random stuff.. But i am blogging now and i must admit, i kinda missed it :)

I finally think my quest for a promdress is complete. I've found a really pretty one and i love the fact that it can be used for other occasions than prom! I love this dress especially in purple! My only problem now is that i still don't have a partner.. Also i don't know if i have the shoes and i have no idea of how to do my hair and make up, but it is going to be okay.. hopefully!
I my class we have a really hard time deciding anything really and with prom and graduation around the corner, we have a lot of planning to do. We need to plan where to eat and how to get to the school for prom  and the transportation is settled, now it's only the place to eat and because people is picky, cheap and full of opinions, we still don't know where to go. Many of the girls vetoed any Chinese or fast food place because of the smell, the boys vetoed Riz Raz because they needed meat and now we're at lost.. I don't get it. Copenhagen is a big city with quite a lot of restaurants, so the fact that we don't know where to go, is kinda ridiculous. For the graduation we already last year booked a truck to drive around in and now, because we are so many students in my class, we need to find a way to get home to everybody without making the trip extremely long.. I think we are at about 10 hours without delays but there will be delays, it can't be avoided.. It's gonna be a looooooooong trip!

Do you guys remember when i had to write SRP?
People started getting the grade a couple of weeks ago and i got more and more anxious when my friends got their grades. And the waiting time wasn't helping either.

I expected the worst of my grade. I told myself that i would be happy if i got 4, but i was expecting 02, so you can imagine my reaction when i was told i got 7! I couldn't stop smiling and when i got into the classroom again, i let out a small scream of happiness and jumped around a bit before calling my mom and texting my dad.
I got my grade this Friday and in the evening there was a party at the school. I got drunk and had a great party! There is probably a few things i can't remember but i had fun!

Next week is vacation time and it is also time for the trip to my summerhouse! It is going to be great and i can't wait! There is just this little thing i need to talk with the others about, but i'll figure it out!