Okay.. I know that i promised to blog twice a week, but! I didn't know that i wouldn't have anything to blog about! I don't have an exiting life where stuff happens all the time..
But i have something i want to talk to you guys about.. And it is as the title says; Sleeping in class. Like you haven't tried it! Don't sit there acting innocent.
Okay, imagine this: You go into a class with an energy level little lower than normal, but you feel like you can make it through the class with out struggling a whole lot. Then your teacher starts to talk and he/she is just so incredibly boring that you just can't help it. You lay your upper body on the table with your arms under your head and suddenly your eyes starts to close. Slowly at first but after some time, you are completely gone and you don't even notice it before you wake up again, feeling more tired than before.
That has happened two times for me. It's not like i sleep in a lot of my classes.. Just the boring ones. Like physics with Børge or sometimes like chemistry, that totally depends on what subject we are talking about and how tired i am.
Normally i just escape by watching some TV-shows online instead of keeping up with the things he writes on the blackboard but i just can't help it.. And i know it is gonna be my own fault when i don't have the notes at the exam or when i have to read the entire book without getting it because the book is stupid...
And now, some of you are maybe thinking, Why don't you just go to bed earlier? Well, i can't.. I have a hard time getting tired and everyone knows how hard it is to sleep when you aren't tried.
My point in this post is that i fell asleep in class today and i'm kinda not sorry for it. :)
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