Oh my god, i hate today!
Firts of all, it's Monday. Second of all I had to be in school for 7 and a half hours. Third of all I was at practice and I has asthma. My asthma was really acting up and now i've got blisters on 3 out of 5 fingers on my right hand.
My school was filled with crap!
I was really tired because I was an idiot and went to sleep at 3 a.m, just because i'm stupid and when I waked up, I really felt like ditching because of the subjects I was giong to have.
and Phisycs..
I didn't, but I wanted to!
I mean could it be more shitty!?
The two positive things of the day, was my friends and the fact that I opened a twitter account.
So this day hasn't been the best day. I think that i'm gonna go to bed now..
Good night for now <3
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